Big News!

Hi All!  Welcome to our new blog.  First let me tell you…I am not a writer.  I don’t like writing (at all).  I would much prefer building a really fun excel spreadsheet, but that wouldn’t tell the story that needs to be told, so here goes….

Our big news is that we started the process to adopt a child from China!  Today was a big day, we finished the great majority of our home study documentation (I scanned all 84 pages this morning!) and it is on it’s way to our home study agency as we speak!  Our placing agency ( estimates that the entire process will take 12 – 18 months.  We expect to be traveling to China sometime in 2015 to bring home the newest addition to our family.

So how in the world did we get to this point?  When Jay and I were planning our family, we thought 2 children would be perfect…but if there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that God’s plans are often different from my own and always so much better than anything I could come up with.  When I look back on my life, it’s as if I was made for this.  All of the sudden, so many things make sense.  God’s been leading us to this point all along…and I stand in awe of Him once again.

I have much more to share about the whys, whats, hows, wheres and whens, but I’ve written more in the past 5 days than I have since graduating from college, so I think I’ll take a break for now.  🙂

I’m really excited to share this journey with you all, our family and friends!

7 thoughts on “Big News!

  1. Jenny, you are a terrific writer. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. I look forward to seeing your journey flourish and will help support in any way I can!

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